Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences invites prospective students to come to the city of Apeldoorn and take part in the Open Day, scheduled on Friday, June 7th. This event will be dedicated to the Master programmes of the university, offered in cooperation with the School of Hospitality and Service Management of the University of Brighton, UK.
These joint programmes cover the fields of Hospitality, Tourism, and Event Management and lead to the double UK Master of Sciences and Dutch postgraduate degree. They are offered in two options, full-time and part-time, and take 1 and 2 years to finish respectively. Nearest start point is scheduled on September 2nd 2013.
Tuition fee of the programmes is set to 12,600 euro for the 2013-2014 academic year, although graduates of the Wittenborg International Business Administration (IBA) Bachelor programmes will be automatically granted with the 3,000 euro scholarship. Students of the part-time programmes will have to pay additional 1,500 euro registration fee.
MSc programmes of Wittenborg University will be especially interesting for the students, who completed or are going to complete Bachelor programmes in the fields of economics, business, hospitality, tourism, or leisure. While these programmes provide students with the advanced knowledge in services topics and give them a possibility of conducting academic research, they also allow to combine study with work and start their career without any delay.
At the Open Day interested students will be able to visit guest lectures, meet current university students and staff along with staff of the University of Brighton, and find answer for any question they may have. Come and figure out if these programmes can become a follow-up for your higher education!
For more information about this event please visit Wittenborg ‘news’ section or contact via e-mail admissions@wittenborg.eu.
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