Friday, 21 March 2014

Genetics Home Reference: ichthyosis with confetti

Ichthyosis with confetti is a disorder of the skin. Individuals with this condition are born with red, scaly skin all over the body, which can be itchy in some people. In childhood or adolescence, hundreds to thousands of small patches of normal skin appear, usually on the torso. The numerous pale spots surrounded by red skin look like confetti, giving the condition its name. The patches of normal skin increase in number and size over time.

In addition to red, scaly skin, people with ichthyosis with confetti typically have abnormally thick skin on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet (palmoplantar keratoderma). Many affected individuals have excess hair (hirsutism) on some parts of the body, particularly on the arms and legs. Because of their skin abnormalities, people with ichthyosis with confetti are at increased risk of developing skin infections.

These resources address the diagnosis or management of ichthyosis with confetti and may include treatment providers.

You might also find information on the diagnosis or management of ichthyosis with confetti in Educational resources and Patient support.

General information about the diagnosis and management of genetic conditions is available in the Handbook.

To locate a healthcare provider, see How can I find a genetics professional in my area? in the Handbook.

You may find the following resources about ichthyosis with confetti helpful. These materials are written for the general public.

You may also be interested in these resources, which are designed for healthcare professionals and researchers.

The Handbook provides basic information about genetics in clear language.

These links provide additional genetics resources that may be useful.

The resources on this site should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Users seeking information about a personal genetic disease, syndrome, or condition should consult with a qualified healthcare professional. See How can I find a genetics professional in my area? in the Handbook.

View the original article here

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